- To connect turf growers throughout Europe.
- To enable networking and information exchange between members throughout Europe facilitated by an interactive website and social media.
- To support a Turf Show every two years in different European countries for showcasing innovations in turf production.
- To hold a farm-tour meeting and social gathering for turf growers in non-show years.
- To encourage research into common problems found in turf production.
- To provide a voice for turf growers in Europe.
- To organise study tours in different European countries.
ETP activities include collecting and disseminating technical information and innovation by using the association’s website, newsletter, conferences and seminars.
ETP is open to all sodgrowers, from any Country, interested in the achievement of the institutional missions of ETP and sharing its spirit and ideas. Members can also be individuals who are experts, researchers, technicians, teachers involved in the turf grass sector. Also companies, laboratories, institutes and scientific societies, governmental institutions can become members when represented by eligible individuals.